Costume Designer and Maker
Tessa is an emerging costume designer and maker that has completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design and Production) at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA).
Tessa utilises her background in technical costume construction to design unique and intriguing costume pieces that complement both artistic direction and the human form. During her time at the VCA she has held a multitude of roles, most notably Co-Set Designer for 10 degrees, Costume Assistant for Our House, and Costume Designer for Sweet Charity.
Tessa has a keen interest in sustainability and hopes to create thoughtful garments that employ recycling and ethical sourcing.

Costume Designer Sweet Charity
The Rhythm of Life

Costume Designer Sweet Charity
Tessa in the workroom

Co Set Designer 10 Degrees
Collaborative Project - Dance & Production

Costume Construction Baccarat
BFA Theatre Devised Works
Costume Designer: Amy Lane

Co Set Designer 10 Degrees
Collaborative Project - Dance & Production

Costume Construction Our House
Constructed the white dress (pictured centre front)
Costume Designer: Samantha Hastings

Costume Designer Sweet Charity
Rich Man's Fruge

Costume Construction The World That Was
BFA Devised Theatre Works
Costume Designer: Angus Donald

Costume Construction On The Town
'Times Square Ballet'
Costume Designer: Abby Reeves-Williams

Costume Designer Sweet Charity
Original Designs drawn by Tessa Cleary-Moore
Pictured (from left to right): Daddy's Assistant, Helene, Charity, Ursula, Brass Band