

Director: Alyson Campbell
Dramaturg / Sound Design & Composition: Meta Cohen
Set Design: Leon Salom
Lighting Design: Nicholas Beachen
Costume Design: Casey Harper-Wood
Costume Supervisor: Elizabeth Maisey
Costume Maker: Karen Blinco
Stage Manager: Ash Walwyn
Assistant Directors: Virginia Proud, Tansy Gorman
Sound Technician: Nathan Santamaria


Can you feel the street's pulse, how it rushes through your veins like a drug?

He’s in trouble, she’s falling in love, they’re cheating, she’s trapped and he’s alone.

But keep moving since we mustn’t fall behind.

Stay connected – don’t want to miss out.

promiscuous/cities encompasses a night in a big city where each of us is frantically maintaining the myth of ourselves we’ve created. Yet underneath the vision of ourselves that we peddle on social media – like! – there is an aching distance between us.

Playwright Lachlan Philpott asks: How can we know a city when we don’t even know ourselves?
