Stage Manager
Rachel brings a combination of organisational, academic, and technical skills to her practice and hopes to continue expanding her management skillset in a variety of genres.
Whilst studying at the Victorian College of the Arts, Rachel’s academic credits included being Production Stage Manager of Sweet Charity, Stage Manager of Cloud 9, Deputy Stage Manager of Sight Unseen, and Assistant Stage Manager of Snore and Mirror Mirror.
Her technical experience further encompasses being Lighting Programmer of Our House, as well as her work with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Melbourne Recital Centre.
Rachel is the grateful recipient of the Grace Marion Wilson Trust 2021.

Stage Manager Cloud 9 - Production photograph
Act I, scene v - Kabuki drop

Production Stage Manager Sweet Charity
Running scene transitions in technical rehearsals

Production Stage Manager Sweet Charity
Housekeeping before Technical Rehearsal #1

Stage Manager Cloud 9 - Production photograph
Act I, scene v - Fight sequence

Lighting Programmer Our House - Production Photograph

Deputy Stage Manager Sight Unseen - Production photography

Assistant Stage Manager Snore - Production photograph

Stage Manager Cloud 9
Operating sound and cue lights for the Kabuki drop
Stage Manager Cloud 9
Operating sound and cue lights for the Kabuki drop