Lighting Designer & Maker
August Shearman is a lighting designer and artistic creator with a background in musical theatre performance and an interest in astrophysics. She discovered lighting during her study at the Australian Institute of Music (AIM) in 2014 where she majored in Music Theatre. Since then August has worked as a lighting designer and technician across Sydney and Melbourne, with a focus on community and pro-am theatre.
After moving to Victoria in 2018, August studied lighting design at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), where she gained a deeper understanding of the possibilities of light as an interactive and expressive medium.
August acknowledges they live and work on the lands of Boon Wurrung people of the Kulin Nation.

Associate Lighting Designer Atlas | gadhaba kurrawan
Testing the Set Electrics element for Daniel Riley's work WAX as part of the production Atlas | gadhaba kurrawan.

Vision Designer Chapter 7
The opening vision state for Danielle Michich's Chapter 7. Featuring dancer Janelle Yung Huey Tan. A part of Atlas | gadhaba kurrawan

Associate Lighting Designer Atlas | gadhaba kurrawan
The set electrics from Daniel Riley's work WAX

Lighting Designer Bacccarat
Third day of filming, behind the scenes of Baccarat. Each day the set was slowly destroyed as part of the piece. Accompanied by an ever darker and more directional lighting design

Set Electrics set up Quiet
Testing coding for the installation piece Quiet, designed and created as part of a series in VCA's Studio 3

Lighting Designer Cloud Nine
End of Act 1
The dress test of kabuki drops and slow strobe effects for the end of Act One of Cloud Nine directed by Maude Davey.
Videography: Max Bowyer