My response to Orlando focuses on the play's themes of transformation, time, and gender. I explored these themes by researching examples of artworks from the Elizabethan period and up until the Twentieth Century, focusing on the significance of frames and portraiture throughout these periods.
I felt that the way time, age and gender affected the portrayal of a sitter in a portrait was relevant to Orlando, where the way characters around Orlando act towards him changes depending on the time period of the act, and Orlando's gender.
In my set design, I decided to highlight the significance of the time periods by creating spaces that each reflected the five distinct time periods visited by Orlando, that set the tone and mood for each act. When looking at each of these periods, I noted how they all feature distinct styles, evident in their architecture, clothing, and colours.
To represent these differences in a more contemporary way, I developed colour palettes that reflected the styles of each of the time periods and decided to fill each room with furniture, objects and lighting in monochromatic shades of red, purple, pink, yellow and blue. I have aimed to create a joyful environment in which the audience feels they are magically drifting through time with Orlando, accompanying him on his journey.
Pepper Horman
Performance Design
Pepper Horman is a recent graduate from the Bachelor of Design (Performance Design) at the University of Melbourne and the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). Pepper has lived in Melbourne since she was born and has undertaken all of her studies whilst living in Melbourne.
Over the course of her three-year degree, Pepper has enjoyed researching the different categories that fall under the Performance Design umbrella and trying subjects that have broadened her Bachelor of Design experience.
Pepper has a passion for costume design, graphic design, and art history, and is looking forward to beginning the Master of Art Curatorship at the University of Melbourne in 2022.