
Graphic Design / Performance Design

Jiaying Wang majored in Graphic Design and Performance Design and graduated from the Bachelor of Design in 2021.


The set is designed to illustrate the traveling of Orlando by guiding the audience through the memories of Orlando for five Centuries. The linear Mesh Wire Wall with five doors are used to represent the different Centuries. The Mesh wire wall is having classical European style doors with columns and carved patterns while is being built in modern material (steel net), refers to the immortal theme. The memory place is designed as a faded or fragmented effect. The changing of lighting would allow the characters to enter and exist from the side and the back of the stage.


  • The Chorus can only stay behind the Mesh Wire Wall. They would gather in five doors to deliver Orlando's internal experiences or to increase comedic feelings.
  • The Characters would remain frozen until Orlando enters the door to activate them.
  • The Characters can use the door of their century or previous centuries, but not the inactivated centuries.
  • I would like to add some tricks to the script. For example, some characters would mix up the doors and some would wander across the second level of wall with doors, as if they get lost in the memory place