Luyijie (Milo)

Performance Design

Milo is an independent filmmaker (director) and extreme metal drummer. He has recently completed the major of Performance Design in Unimelb in 2021.

He is interested in visualizing the unconsciousness and the inner mind of both characters and the audience in the design and interpreting the stories from various odd angles and approaches.


After spending five centuries in the story with Orlando, the first thing I thought of was how surrealist artists visualised time. How to create another new reality based on our existing reality is the theme of my design this time. I used fully automatic panels of different textures along with the projection on reflective sliders to achieve the instant change in transitions and at the same time visualise the time and people's impression of a certain century. A tunnel in the shape of a number 1‚ not only visualises time but also creates various indoor and outdoor scenes on the stage. All my set design elements focus on expressing the accumulation of time, impressions, and cognition.

My lighting design focuses on using different light perceptions to visualise the inner changes in Orlando, while also reflecting the passage of time and the changes in social impressions during the five centuries.

In addition, I also have a drummer on stage all the time as the controller of time. He will play or fire all the sounds and music to advance the progress of time.

In general, my design is to show that we created time, gender, and self to control ourselves, only Orlando can interact with all these artificial limitations on the stage and finally see himself clearly.